
A test by Nicholas Kristof

Well, just wondering if there are any protestors in the three demonstration zones allocated by the local authority in Beijing for the Olympic Games, someone has already tested the application procedure! I read it here.

A rare account though, as it's quite impossible to have it in China. It's also funny to see the complementary video, in which the interior decoration of PSB tells itself on the cost (seems to me quite costly for these leather-like sofa). Can't imagine such a videoing would be allowed!

The Big Brother is really open this time. Isn't this the syndrome of the post-totalitarianism, in which certain things are allowed procedurally in the name of the rule of law, but the difficulties you are to encounter will just turn you down.

'Surrender!' That's how it goes in front of such a procedural barrier, as what Mr. Kristof did finally. Very nice try indeed.

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